4 Helen Court, Shadow Lawn Manor, NJ
Jeffrey Farmhouse
Building Constructed Approximately 1750
Building Marked by Township of Ocean Historical Society 1975
Jeffrey House (ID#1337-03)
SHPO Opinion dated 1/1981
Submitted by Monmouth County Historical Association
NJDEP Historic Site Inventory #1337-03
The Jeffrey Farm, in what is now Elberon Park, was part of a tract purchased from the Native Americans by Thomas Potter in 1676 and sold to Francis Jeffreys. In 1713, William Jeffrey (the spelling of the surname changes over time), son of Francis, took title to "120 acres bordered on the north by Whale Pond Brook and on the east by Pot Pie Road" (Norwood Avenue). The house was built in the mid-1700s and is a private home in Shadow Lawn Manor.
The barns of the Jeffrey Farm and the Shadow Lawn Manor land are shown as they appeared in the late 1800s. A residential community began developing here in the 1920s.